Bach Flower Remedy


Craft your unique Bach flower remedy blend from our selection of 38 remedies, each addressing specific emotions. These natural remedies, created by Dr. Bach in the 1930s, are safe and chemical-free, with no side effects, making them compatible with existing medication.

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Craft your unique Bach flower remedy blend from our selection of 38 remedies, each addressing specific emotions. These natural remedies, created by Dr. Bach in the 1930s, are safe and chemical-free, with no side effects, making them compatible with existing medication.

Craft your unique Bach flower remedy blend from our selection of 38 remedies, each addressing specific emotions. These natural remedies, created by Dr. Bach in the 1930s, are safe and chemical-free, with no side effects, making them compatible with existing medication.

Personalized Bach Flower Essence Treatment

Below are 38 Bach flower essences for you to choose from. Select up to 7 that resonate with you the most to create your personalized treatment bottle:

  1. Agrimony - for inner turmoil behind a cheerful face.

  2. Aspen - for vague fears of unknown origin.

  3. Beech - for intolerance.

  4. Centaury - for difficulty in saying no.

  5. Cerato - for seeking advice from others.

  6. Cherry Plum - for fear of losing control.

  7. Chestnut Bud - for failure to learn from mistakes.

  8. Chicory - for over-possessive love.

  9. Clematis - for dreaminess and lack of interest in the present.

  10. Crab Apple - for feeling unclean or contaminated.

  11. Elm - for feeling overwhelmed and burdened.

  12. Gentian - for discouragement after a setback.

  13. Gorse - for hopelessness and despair.

  14. Heather - for self-concern and self-preoccupation.

  15. Holly - for hatred, envy, and jealousy.

  16. Honeysuckle - for living in the past.

  17. Hornbeam - for procrastination due to uncertainty.

  18. Impatiens - for impatience and irritability.

  19. Larch - for lack of confidence.

  20. Mimulus - for fear of known things.

  21. Mustard - for deep gloom with no origin.

  22. Oak - for plowing on regardless.

  23. Olive - for physical and mental exhaustion.

  24. Pine - for guilt and self-blame.

  25. Red Chestnut - for over-concern for others.

  26. Rock Rose - for terror and panic.

  27. Rock Water - for self-denial and rigidity.

  28. Scleranthus - for inability to choose between alternatives.

  29. Star of Bethlehem - for trauma and shock.

  30. Sweet Chestnut - for extreme mental anguish.

  31. Vervain - for over-enthusiasm.

  32. Vine - for dominance and inflexibility.

  33. Walnut - for protection from change and outside influences.

  34. Water Violet - for pride and aloofness.

  35. White Chestnut - for unwanted thoughts and mental arguments.

  36. Wild Oat - for uncertainty over one's direction in life.

  37. Wild Rose - for resignation and apathy.

  38. Willow - for self-pity and resentment.

Please make your selection, and we will create a customized treatment bottle tailored to your needs.