
Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression

What is Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression?

Hypnotherapy past life regression is a special therapy where you enter a relaxed, focused state to explore memories and experiences that might seem like they come from a previous life. This process can help you gain insights, heal emotional wounds, and understand more about yourself.

What to Expect in a 1-Hour Session:

  1. Introduction: We’ll start with a brief chat to explain the process and answer any questions you have.

  2. Relaxation: I will guide you into a deeply relaxed state using calming techniques like focused breathing and visualization.

  3. Exploration: While you are relaxed, I’ll gently guide you to recall and describe any past life memories or impressions you experience.

  4. Reflection: After the exploration, I’ll help you return to full awareness, feeling calm and refreshed.

  5. Discussion: We’ll discuss your experience and how it might relate to your current life or any issues you’re facing.

This one-hour session is designed to provide you with a safe and insightful journey into your past lives, helping you find clarity and healing.

Bach Flower Remedy Consultation

Bach Flower Remedies offer a gentle, natural, and holistic approach to emotional wellness, helping you navigate life's challenges with greater ease, resilience, and inner peace.

Consultation Details:

  • Duration: Your consultation will last for 40 minutes, during which we will delve into your emotional well-being and explore personalized Bach Flower Remedies tailored to your specific needs.

  • Platform: We will conduct the consultation online via Zoom. Please ensure you have a stable internet connection and access to a quiet, comfortable space for our session.

  • Price: The consultation fee is £60, which includes a treatment bottle customized with Bach Flower Remedies selected specifically for you. This bottle will last approximately 3-4 weeks, providing continuous support for your emotional balance and well-being.

Preparation Tips:

  1. Reflect: Take some time before the consultation to reflect on your emotional state and any specific concerns or challenges you would like to address. This will help guide our discussion and ensure we focus on areas most important to you.

  2. Note Taking: Feel free to jot down any questions or thoughts you may have prior to the consultation. Having these notes handy can facilitate our conversation and ensure we cover all relevant topics.

  3. Open Mind: Approach the consultation with an open mind and willingness to explore new perspectives and insights. Bach Flower Remedies work on subtle energetic levels, and embracing a receptive mindset can enhance their effectiveness.

What to Expect:

  • Assessment: We will begin by discussing your current emotional state, life circumstances, and any specific concerns you wish to address. This will help me gain a comprehensive understanding of your needs and formulate personalized recommendations.

  • Recommendations: Based on our discussion, I will recommend a selection of Bach Flower Remedies tailored to your individual requirements. These remedies are gentle, natural essences derived from flowers and designed to promote emotional balance and harmony.

  • Custom Treatment Bottle: Following our consultation, you will receive a custom treatment bottle containing the recommended Bach Flower Remedies. This bottle will be prepared with care and attention to detail, ensuring it provides optimal support for your emotional well-being.

  • Guidance: Throughout the consultation, I will provide guidance on how to use the Bach Flower Remedies effectively, including dosage instructions and tips for integrating them into your daily routine.

Follow-Up Support:

Your journey towards emotional wellness doesn't end with our consultation. I am committed to supporting you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or require further assistance after our session, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Usui Reiki

What is Reiki?

Experience Reiki, an ancient Japanese Healing Technique. Like a Soulmassage, Reiki is a powerful and unique healing modality to balance and increase the energies of your physical, energetical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It allows blockages to break apart and invites more balance and clarity into your life.  Reiki is an energy healing technique that increases your supply of life force energy, balances the chakra energy centers and strengthens your healing potential.

Reiki can provide the body with a very nurturing supply of energy that supports the body, mind & spirit to start healing itself. On a deeper level, Reiki can reprogram your subconscious mind allowing you to release any limiting or self-defeating thoughts and feelings empowering you to reconnect to your true essence, your full magnificence and inner-radiance.

It is actually two Japanese words: “Rei” which means higher power and “ki” (or Qi in Chinese, or Prana in Sanskrit), which means “life force energy.” 

Reiki is extremely low frequency (ELF) electro-magnetic energy. The signals recorded by scientific devices from the hands of practitioners are of frequencies known to stimulate healing effects on nerves, bones and other areas of the body. 

Reiki is used in hospitals alongside conventional medical care to help people heal more quickly after surgery, or to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Reiki is never harmful. Even when physical cure is not possible Reiki can still bring relief in terms of reduced pain and anxiety.

What happens during a Reiki healing treatment?

All Reiki treatments include consultation and treatment time.  After an initial consultation, Reiki can be given with hands-on contact or on a non-contact basis. The healing treatment can last 60 min. or for a deeper experience 90 min. During the Reiki treatment, you remain clothed and lie on a treatment table. Each treatment is different and ends on the individual needs with a meditation or consultation.   

The feelings during a treatment can be anything from intense heat, tingling and lightness to a sense of deep peace and release. You can feel deeply loved and nurtured while the Reiki heals on deeper energetic & somatic levels to having immediate miraculous healing results. At the end of the treatment, a person is usually extremely relaxed and clear.

Distance Reiki Healing

What is distance Reiki?

Distance Reiki is a wonderful option for people who cannot come in and lay down for a hands-on Reiki session. The advantage of this method is that we can hold a Reiki treatment remotely while you stay in the comfort of your own home. Sending Reiki healing is possible because energy is not confined and can transcend time and space - so it is easily forwarded anywhere.

How do distant Reiki works?

To send Reiki across a distance, I use a special technique and concentrate the focus on you, my client. Once the connection is established, the healing treatment can be given exactly as if we were in the same room.

To prepare, please locate yourself somewhere where you have privacy for the time of the healing session anywhere where you can lie down or sit comfortably. We will start with a consultation and then invite Reiki Energy into healing. after (and during) the healing we have the opportunity to share our experiences, any insights and what came up. 

The feelings during a treatment can be anything from intense heat, tingling and lightness to a sense of deep peace and release. You can feel deeply loved and nurtured while the Reiki heals on deeper energetic & somatic levels to having immediate miraculous healing results. At the end of the treatment, a person is usually extremely relaxed and clear.

Sonic Tibetan Bowl Massage

Sonic Tibetan Bowl Vibrational Mind and Body Massage is a unique and therapeutic experience that combines the soothing sounds and vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls. During this massage, specially crafted Tibetan singing bowls are placed on or near the body and gently struck or played, producing resonant tones and vibrations.

The vibrations and harmonics created by the Tibetan singing bowls are believed to have a profound effect on the body, mind, and spirit. As the bowls are played, the vibrations penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and a sense of overall well-being. The sound and vibrations can help release tension, balance energy, and restore harmony within the body.

The massage therapist may also incorporate traditional Tibetan bowl massage techniques, such as gentle strokes, to further enhance the therapeutic benefits of the session. The combination of vibration and sound creates a holistic experience that aims to promote physical, mental, and emotional healing.

If you're seeking a unique and deeply relaxing experience that goes beyond traditional techniques, the Sonic Tibetan Bowl Massage may be a wonderful choice. It offers a harmonious blend of sound therapy and vibrational massage, providing a rejuvenating and transformative experience for your body and mind.

Crystals Chakra Balancing

Crystals and Reiki Chakra Balancing is a holistic practice that combines the healing properties of crystals with the energy healing technique of Reiki to promote balance and harmony within the body's energy centers, known as chakras.

Crystals are believed to possess unique vibrational frequencies that can help restore and align the energy flow within the body. Each crystal is associated with specific chakras and can be used to amplify and direct energy to those areas. By placing crystals on or around the body, they are thought to interact with the energy field, promoting healing and balance.

Reiki, on the other hand, is a Japanese healing technique that involves the channeling of universal life force energy through the practitioner's hands. This energy is believed to flow through the body's energy pathways, clearing blockages and restoring balance. During a Reiki session, the practitioner may use their hands to gently touch or hover over specific chakra points, facilitating the flow of energy and promoting healing.

When combined, crystals and Reiki can enhance the healing process by addressing imbalances in the chakras and promoting overall well-being. The specific crystals used and the techniques employed may vary depending on the practitioner and the individual's needs.

The seven crystals, used in the treatment, will be gifted to the client after the session.

Sound Healing 1-2-1

Sound healing 1-2-1 refers to a personalized and individualized sound healing session. In this type of session, a trained sound healer works directly with you to address your specific needs and goals. The session typically involves the use of various sound instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, or other instruments that produce soothing and resonant sounds.

During a sound healing 1-2-1 session, the sound healer creates a therapeutic environment by playing these instruments in a way that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. The vibrations and frequencies produced by the instruments are believed to have a positive impact on the body, mind, and energy system, helping to restore balance and harmony.

The session may also include elements of guided meditation, breathwork, or other techniques to enhance the healing experience. The sound healer will tailor the session to your specific needs, focusing on areas of tension, emotional blockages, or any other concerns you may have.

Sound healing 1-2-1 sessions can be a deeply transformative and rejuvenating experience, allowing you to connect with yourself on a profound level and promote self-healing. It is recommended to consult with a qualified sound healer or practitioner to explore the benefits of this personalized approach to sound healing.

Shamanic Reiki Drumming

A Shamanic Reiki Drumming treatment combines the healing practices of shamanism and Reikito to create a unique and powerful healing experience. In this treatment, a practitioner utilizes a drum to create rhythmic beats and vibrations that help induce a meditative state and facilitate healing.

During the session, the practitioner may incorporate shamanic techniques such as journeying, energy clearing, and connecting with spirit guides or power animals. These practices aim to address energetic imbalances, release emotional blockages, and promote overall well-being.

Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, is also integrated into the treatment. The practitioner channels universal life force energy through their hands and the drum to the recipient, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and the restoration of energetic balance.

The combination of shamanic drumming and Reiki creates a synergistic effect, enhancing the healing potential of the treatment. It can help individuals connect with their inner wisdom, release stagnant energy, and experience a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

If you are seeking a holistic approach to healing that combines ancient wisdom with energy work and sound therapy, a Shamanic Reiki Drumming treatment may be a transformative experience for you

Space Clearing & Reiki Energy Grid

Space clearing is the art of clearing and revitalizing stagnant energies in buildings. 

All traditional cultures have a form of space clearing. It can be seen as a higher level of house cleaning and is as essential to the energetic maintenance of a place as physical cleaning is to physical maintenance.

The term "space clearing" has passed into the English language as a generic term for all kinds of energy-clearing techniques, but originally it was the name I coined to describe the ceremony I have pioneered and developed since 1978. All the information on this website and in my books refers specifically to the space-clearing ceremony I have developed, which is the only one I can guarantee the effectiveness of.  It involves the use of various techniques such as clapping and belling, done in a precise way and in a specific order.

Why space clearing is necessary

Energetically, everything that ever happens in a building goes out in ripples like the effect of a stone being dropped in a pond. It is recorded in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in the place. It gets astrally imprinted into the very fabric of the structure. Repetitive actions and behaviors are deeply imprinted, and events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are the most strongly imprinted of all. If you've ever had the experience of walking into a room after there has just been an argument, you know that you can literally feel it hanging in the air. People sometimes say, 'You could have cut the air with a knife!', meaning that the atmosphere was so dense it was as if the argument were physically tangible.

Everyone also creates a certain amount of etheric debris on a daily basis, which leaves a stagnant residue in their home in the same way as everyday living creates cleaning and tidying on a physical level.

Reiki Energy Grid

Setting up a Reiki Energy Grid is a powerful way to energetically program and enrich any indoor space. The lines or meridians of the grid turn any room into a multi-dimensional energy vessel, blessing with Reiki every being and activity inside. Much like a hologram, every part of the grid reflects the whole. The grid can be set up in any room that has been energetically cleansed.

Reiki Crystal Grid

A Reiki crystal grid is a powerful and intentional arrangement of crystals that is used in conjunction with Reiki energy healing. It combines the healing properties of crystals with the flow of Reiki energy to create a focused and amplified energy field.

In a Reiki crystal grid, specific crystals are carefully selected and placed in a geometric pattern. Each crystal is chosen for its unique energetic properties and its ability to support the intended healing or manifestation goal. The arrangement of the crystals creates a sacred space that enhances the flow of Reiki energy and magnifies its healing effects.

The crystals in a Reiki crystal grid work together synergistically, creating a harmonious energy field that supports healing, balance, and transformation. The grid can be used for various purposes, such as clearing energy blockages, promoting emotional well-being, enhancing spiritual growth, or manifesting specific intentions.

Reiki crystal grids can be a beautiful and effective tool for enhancing the healing power of Reiki energy and working towards specific goals. They provide a focused and intentional space for healing and transformation, allowing individuals to experience the benefits of both Reiki and crystal energy in a synergistic way.

Intuitive Reading

Intuitive Readings can be life-changing and affirming. A reading can help you discover where you should be focusing your energies to guarantee the best future.

An intuitive reading can help people from all walks of life giving guidance and clarity. You can find answers and clarity in all situations. Knowledge is power. You will be able to see the bigger picture, there is always a way to become happier and more successful.

  • Is my partner cheating on me?

  • Is my loved one going to marry me?

  • Is he/she the one for me?

  • Will I have children and a happy family?

  • Should I leave this job?

  • Will I be successful and live in financial abundance?

  • Will I find my soulmate?

  • Will my ex and I get back together?

  • What is my true purpose in life?

The answers to these questions and many others can be revealed to you directly from my Spirit Guides. An intuitive reader will help you manifest your destiny as you align yourself with the truth and desires you may have. There is always hope, even in the middle of the worst storm.

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