A cup of tea meditation


For this tea meditation, you’ll go about your normal routine in making your tea but add an extra layer of mindfulness and intention with each step. While the procedure remains the same, your attention is drawn to the sensory aspects of preparing and drinking your tea.

Choose your tea. What will it be, a loose leaf, today? Tea in a bag? Take into account your physical and mental needs as well as your present mood. Maybe you choose a combination with caffeine to give you an energy boost, or maybe you want a herbal choice to help you relax and reduce stress. Consider the reasoning behind your tea selection and preparation method.

Select a cup with care. Maybe it's a handcrafted mug from a local artisan, a birthday present from a friend, or your favorite mug that was handed down from a family member. Select a cup that inspires you and lifts your spirits.

Notice the water boiling. While you’re waiting for the water to boil, find a comfortable position and begin to deepen your breath. As you breathe deeply, notice the sound of the water as it begins to boil. As the water heats up, hear its speed increase. Since there may be a long wait, take note of any impatient thoughts that come to mind (without passing judgment). Savor the gradual pace of this procedure. Watch the steam emerge from the kettle and listen to the whistle's high-pitched sound as the water reaches a roaring boil.

Watch the tea transition. Carefully pour the water into your cup, using an infuser or a bag, and see how the color changes over time. See the color becoming darker. If you choose to add cream, milk, sugar, or honey to your tea, do so consciously. Examine your reasons for enjoying each addition, and be sure to gauge how much you actually need.

Savor each sip. In your hands, sense the warmth of the handle or cup. Feel the sturdy design of the mug. Notice the shape of the cup as you hold it. When you're ready to take a sip, raise the cup to your nose and take a long, slow breath. Savour the scent – what is it like? Is it fruity and fresh, or light and floral? Or maybe it's robust and earthy. When the time comes to take your first sip, do so mindfully and deliberately. Take a time to taste the tea and detect the initial flavor blast. How does it taste? Allow the taste to linger on your tongue. Now, as you take your first sip, let the tea take its journey within your body. Feel the nourishment of it.

Enjoy the process. Feel anchored in the present moment and aware of your current position in space, whether you are sitting or standing, as you continue the leisurely process of enjoying your tea. Take note of every location on your body where it meets the ground. Take note of how quickly you are completing your tea; do you have the desire to complete it sooner? What could be causing those feelings? Or perhaps you’re content to stay where you are right now. Observe the emotions that surface during the process without passing judgment. Observe how the temperature changes over time.

Seal your practice with gratitude. As your tea meditation comes to a close, take a moment to express gratitude to yourself for showing up, gratitude for all the people who put in work to grow, harvest, package, and bring you this tea, and gratitude for this present moment of solitude.


Grounding & Mindfulness Techniques


Breathwork and Meditation: A Journey to Inner Harmony and Well-Being